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A rejoint le programme le : 17 mai 2022

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Tonality Andy James V1.0.1-R2R valxyl


Tonality Andy James v1.0.1-R2R

Category:2001 albums Category:Post-rock albums by English artists Category:Om band albumsQ: How to define the output directory with MinGW-w64 and GNU sed? I'm working on an old project of mine that uses a Makefile that looks something like this: CC=gcc # Set includes, libraries, and linking to GNU sed GNU_SED_INCLUDES="-I${srcdir}/gensed -I${srcdir}/genlib -I${srcdir}/genhtml" GNU_SED_LIBS="-lgenlib -lgenhtml" # Set the compiler and linker flags CFLAGS=${GNU_SED_INCLUDES} ${GNU_SED_LIBS} # Set the output directory OUTDIR=${CURDIR}/gensed # Determine the objects and the linker command objects=gensed.o genlib.o genhtml.o # Construct the linker command LINK=$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(GNU_SED_LIBS) -o ${OUTDIR}/gensed ${objects} # Run the linker ${LINK} Everything works, except that I don't know how to change the OUTDIR so that the compiler uses the gensed.o file that is produced from genlib.c So far, I've tried setting the OUTDIR to a directory that I have and containing a gensed.c file. Neither works. If I leave it empty, the compiler produces the linker error /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgenlib How do I do this? Edit: I'm using a Windows machine if that makes any difference. A: The OUTDIR must not be set by hand, but instead, in the Makefile. This makes sense when you think about it. If the source files have an OUTDIR, they probably want to produce something, right? But the Makefile is not a program, but an interface that translates your program's demands into commands. So, it can't know where to put output files by itself. Makefiles are also very specific. They assume that the OUTDIR is always defined to be the same,

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